Urban Fae began because running away to become a witch of the woods isn’t an option for me right now. One of my greatest dreams is to build a little cabin in the forest where I raise my own food, forage, and simply exist with my animals. (And husband - I love you, Justin!) Since that isn’t in the cards (yet), I started a quest to bring the magic of the woods into my home, even if it was an apartment in town.
Yeah, that meant a lot of fairy lights. And plants. So. Many. Plants. But it also means growing my own food as much as possible and rethinking the way I live to reduce consumption. Thankfully, I have a super handy husband who’s on board with all of this.
The quest to make my own home more magical led to me wanting to help others do the same. Urban Fae was an idea that got kicked around for a while without much happening. Then Justin and I started working on the Mere Mortals series and it seemed like the perfect name for Bri’s shop.
And then my son asked if I’d be interested in setting up a booth to sell plants at an event he was coordinating. One thing led to another, reality blended with fiction, and Urban Fae was born in this world as well as Bri’s.
We are currently an events-only shop, selling live plants, fairy-themed décor, jewelry, and animal enclosures at expos and Ren Faires. Maybe someday it’ll be more, but we have our hands full keeping up with that for now!
We'll be adding lots more to this page soon, like how to care for your new plants and where to order replacement batteries for your firefly lamps, so stay tuned!

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